For Athletes
For everyone else who is healthy, you'll still be out of shape after so long away from training.
Give yourself time to get back up to strength for when you hit the field, court or circuit again. Use these next few weeks to do your own preparation regardless of whether your regular team training has started up again.
Keep these tips in mind:
* Invest some time in physically preparing to return to the demands of your sport
* Use the ACC SportSmart warm up at least two times per week
* Return to non-contact training first and progress to contact training over two to three weeks
* Take rest days – they’re a chance for your body to recover.
For Coaches
Players are keen to return to playing let them play. Playing games helps players to work together, challenge eachother and contributes to building your team culture. Make the return to sport fun for your players.
Keep everyone informed by frontloading your messages for the season as early as possible and use multiple platforms to communicate with your team.
Be proactive in adapting to new ways of doing things. As we move down through the Alert Levels coaches will be leaders in implementing processes. In your session plans allow time for capturing player attendance and equipment cleaning.
Focus on player and personal development. Resist the temptation to go hard in an effort to make up for lost time. Treat the season as a rebuilding year. Reflect on your coaching identity and remind yourself why you coach.