AGM 2023

The Basketball Hawkes Bay AGM will take place on Monday 7th August 2023 at Basketball Hawkes Bay Office @ Mclean Park Centennial Hall from 5:30pm.

After the AGM we encourage you to stay for light refreshments.

We encourage all members and stakeholders to attend.

Each affiliated club or other organisation (eg schools) may elect or appoint one Delegate to represent the club or school at and to vote on behalf of the club or school.

Delegate Forms

All forms must be completed by Monday 31st July 2023. Email to

Proxy Forms

All signed proxy forms  must be submitted to generalmanager@hawkesbay.basketballl 1 hour prior to the meeting commencing.


If you have any notices of motion as per Rule 13.4 please submit these in writing to by Friday 21st July. 


The AGM agenda will be sent out on Monday 24th July outlining business to be discussed, motions, and the shortlist of potential Elected Board Members.


Proxy Form 

Delgate Form 


Article added: Monday 03 July 2023


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